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Crystal Taylor, NRCMA
Meet Crystal Taylor who is a NRCMA here at Greiner Orthopedics where she has recently started her career. Crystal attended Concorde Career College and completed her externship to become a NRCMA here at Greiner Orthopedics. After completing her externship, she accepted a full-time position and is now fulfilling her passion in the healthcare field. Crystal works with our providers in the back office, rooming patients, getting updated information, and preparing you for your visit with the provider. Crystal spends her free time away from the office with her four kids Tayla, Candra, Maxxus, and Presleigh. You may find them at a cross country meet, BMX track or playing princess. Crystal prides herself as a mother and goes above and beyond to give her children all the love and support they need. Crystal offers a welcoming smile and provides patients with confidence that their health is in good hands, we are pleased to have her be a part of our Greiner Orthopedics family. Should you wish to reach out to crystal please email [email protected].